Brian McKeiver's Blog

#25 - How Uniform has Evolved with Andrew Kumar


In this episode of the Kontent Rocks podcast, Brian McKeiver interviews Andrew Kumar, Global VP at Uniform . Brian and Andrew discuss how Uniform has updated its platform over the past months and how Uniform now sees itself in the market. Brian asks Andrew to answer how and Uniform can function together so well, even though some features may overlap. Listen on to find out how these two platforms can elevate digital experiences.


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In This Episode

Brian McKeiver and Andrew Kumar discuss the following topics in Kontent Rocks podcast episode #25:

  • Brian interviews Andrew at Uniform, and his background in API first development.
  • Andrew reviews how Uniform fits in the market.
  • Brian asks Andrew to answer the question of which CMS to use when both and Uniform are in play.
  • Both Andrew and Brian agree that cms content should live in the cms, and presentation layer / component information and configuration can live elsewhere.

Related Links to this episode:


You can listen to the episode here on this blog post, it is embedded below: